Trilon® BX Liquid is used to soften water and to remove alkaline earth and heavy metal impurities. It is often incorporated in detergents and cleaners for household and industrial uses. Available both as 40% active liquid and 85% active powder.

Chemical Name: Disodium dihydrogen ethylenediaminetetraacetate, Tetrasodium EDTA

Chemical Family: Sodium Salts

Labeling Claims: Organic

Certifications & Compliance: ISO 9001, REACH (Europe)

Applicable Processes: Boiler Water Treatment, Cooling Water Treatment, Lubricants Manufacturing, Process Water Treatment, Pulp Bleaching, Surfactant Purification

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses

Applicable Processes
Home Care Applications
I&I Cleaning Applications
Industrial Additives End Use
Application Information

Soap: The addition of Trilon® BX Liquid can prevent discoloration and rancidity.
Pulp/Paper: In oxidative bleaching, Trilon® BX Liquid causes a considerable reduction in bleach consumption, with no decrease in performance.
Rubber: Can be used to complex ferrous ions in the catalyst systems used in the polymerization of rubber. Natural rubber latex can be treated with Trilon® BX Liquid to remove traces of heavy metals that originate from the bark of trees.
Water Softening: Trilon® BX Liquid can be used to soften cooling water, process water and boiler feed water; dissolve boiler scale and prevent new scale from forming.
Detergents/Cleaners: There are many applications for Trilon® BX Liquid in detergents and cleaners. It is popular due to its chelating capacity and its resistance to hydrolysis. Trilon® BX Liquid is also used in industrial detergents and cleaners.

Other Applications: Trilon*® BX Liquid can boost the detergency of surfactants; can be added to emulsions, including lubricants and polishes to minimize the effects of hardness ions and polyvalent metals salts.

  • Soap: The addition of Trilon® BX Liquid can prevent discoloration and rancidity.
  • Pulp/Paper: In oxidative bleaching, Trilon® BX Liquid causes a considerable reduction in bleach consumption, with no decrease in performance.
  • Rubber: Can be used to complex ferrous ions in the catalyst systems used in the polymerization of rubber. Natural rubber latex can be treated with Trilon® BX Liquid to remove traces of heavy metals that originate from the bark of trees.
  • Water Softening: Trilon® BX Liquid can be used to soften cooling water, process water and boiler feed water; dissolve boiler scale and prevent new scale from forming. Detergents/Cleaners: There are many applications for Trilon® BX Liquid in detergents and cleaners. Itis popular due to its chelating capacity and its resistance to hydrolysis. Trilon® BX Liquid is also used in industrial detergents and cleaners.
  • Other Applications: Trilon®BX Liquid can boost the detergency of surfactants; can be added to emulsions, including lubricants and polishes to minimize the effects of hardness ions and polyvalent metals salts.


Physical Form

Regulatory & Compliance

Certifications & Compliance
Quality Standards

Packaging & Availability

Country Availability
Packaging Type
Packaging Information
  • Bulk
  • 1200KG Composite IBC
  • 250KG Plastic drums

Storage & Handling

Storage Condition

Shelf Life: BASF will endorse the results on the certificate of analvsis for a period of up to two years from the date of manufacture for material in original, unopened, properly stored containers. Beyond two years, we recommend the quality of the material be confirmed prior to use, by retesting the certificate of analysis parameters. Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product for instructions on safe and proper handling and disposal

Storage Information

BASF will endorse the results on the certificate of analysis for a period of up to two years from the date of manufacture for material in original, unopened, properly stored containers. Beyond two years, we recommend the quality of the material be confirmed prior to use, by retesting the certificate of analysis parameters.