Ecovio® F2332 is a biodegradable film product partly derived from renewable resources. It is primarily composed of our biodegradable, aliphatic-aromatic copolyester Ecoflex® F and polylactic acid (PLA). Ecovio® F2332 includes antiblocking and slip agents, essential for facilitating easy processing on film extrusion and film conversion equipment. Ecoflex® F serves as the continuous phase in the structure of Ecovio® F2332, transferring the beneficial film properties of Ecoflex® F into the final product.

Processing Methods: Blown Film Extrusion, Extrusion, Film Extrusion

Features: Excellent Compatibility, Good Processability, High Melt Strength, High Stiffness, High Strength

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Materials Features
Product Features

Ecovio® F2332 exhibits the following properties:

  • High melt strength.
  • Excellent processability on conventional LDPE blown film lines.
  • Good mechanical properties.
  • Good processability on bag making equipment.
  • Wet strength (e. g. needed in organic waste bag applications)
  • Excellent welding properties.
  • Printable in 8 colors by flexo printing.
  • Broad sealing window required for sealing layers of multi-layer film structures.

Applications & Uses

Plastics & Elastomers End Uses
Plastics & Elastomers Processing Methods
Product Use
  • Ecovio® F2332 exhibits excellent compatibility with Ecoflex®, polylactic acid and other biodegradable polymers. According to our experience pre-drying of Ecovio® F2332 is not required if the granules are taken from an unopened bag.
  • The processing of Ecovio® F2332 on extrusion lines depends on the formulation, the extrusion technology and processing conditions. Trials are always recommended to assess the quality of the final product. Ecoflex® masterbatches are available to tailor properties of the final product.
Product Applications

Ecovio® F 2332 has been developed for the conversion to flexible films using a blown film process. Typical applications are organic waste bags, T-shirt bags and lamination film. In view of numerous factors influencing the functionality and shelf life of ecovio® films and finished articles made thereof, the production parameters have to be tested by the converters before utilization.


Physical Form
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Permeation Rates: Water Vapour (at 23°C, 50% r.h.)120cm3/(m2·d·bar)ASTM D 3985
Bulk Density750kg/m³DIN EN ISO 60
Melting Point 1110 - 120°CDSC
Melting Point 2140 - 155°CDSC
Melt Volume Rate (MVR 190°C, 5kg*)7.0 - 11.0ml /10ISO 1133
Mass Density1.24 - 1.26g/cm³ISO 1183
Good Thermostabilitymax. 230°C-
Typical Thicknesses15-50μm-
Blown Film Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Tensile Modulus (MD)330MpaISO 527
Tensile Strength (MD)37MpaISO 527
Tensile Strength (TD)39MpaISO 527
Ultimate Elongation (MD)540%ISO 527
Ultimate Elongation (TD)600%ISO 527
Dart Drop650gASTM D 1709-Method A
Tear Resistance (MD)800mNDIN EN ISO 6382-2
Permeation Rates : Water Vapour (at 23°C, 85% r.h.)600g/(m²-d)ASTM F-1249
Permeation Rates : Oxygen (at 23°C, dry)120cm³/(m²-d-bar)ASTM D 3985
Tensile Modulus (TD)180MpaISO 527
Tensile Modulus (TD)550mNDIN EN ISO 6382-2

Regulatory & Compliance

Certifications & Compliance
Quality Control

Ecovio® F2332 is produced as a standard material in a continuous production process according to DIN EN ISO 9001. The melt volume rate, MVR, at 190 °C, 5 kg, according to ISO 1133 has been defined as specified parameter for quality control. A certificate can be provided with each lot number upon request. The Ecovio® granules have to be pre-dried (6 hours at 70 °C) before MVR measurement to obtain accurate values.

Packaging & Availability

Country Availability
Packing Information

Ecovio® F2332 is supplied as lenticular pellets in 1 t big bags.

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
12 Months
Storage Conditions
  • Temperatures during transportation and storage may not exceed 60 °C at any time.
  • Storage time in an unopened bag may not surpass 12 months at room temperature (23 °C).