Ardrox® 1873A is a concentrated liquid mixture containing sequestrants and surfactants, mildly acidic in nature. It has been formulated to effectively descale chrome steels, stainless steels, nickel, and cobalt alloys commonly used in aircraft turbine engines. These alloys often accumulate hard, adherent oxide scale during service, necessitating removal during overhaul to facilitate penetrant inspection processes.

Compatible Substrates & Surfaces: Chromium Coated Steel (ECCS), Cobalt Alloys, Metal, Nickel Alloy, Stainless Steel

Technical Data Sheet
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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

HII Features

Applications & Uses

Application Method
Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
I&I Cleaning Applications

Ardrox® 1873A is used diluted with water at a concentration of 20 % to 25 % by volume in water. The operating temperature is 80 °C – 85 °C (176 °F – 185 °F). Parts should be free from oil and carbonaceous deposits.

Ardrox® 1873A is normally used in conjunction with Ardrox® 185L and Ardrox® 188RFU and a typical process cycle would be

Ardrox® 185L 30 %v/v at 85 °C (185 °F).

Ardrox® 188RFU at 95 °C – 100 °C (203 °F – 212 °F

Ardrox® 1873A at 80 °C - 85 °C (176 °F – 185 °F).

Immersion times should be approximately 15 minutes for each stage. Since Ardrox® 1873A solutions are acidic and Ardrox® 188RFU solutions are alkaline, each process stage must be followed by a thorough water rinse.

Should complete cleaning not be achieved, stages 2 and 3 may be repeated as required. When dealing with heavy scale, it is better to use several cycles of approximately 15 minutes rather than giving extended immersion times.

Effects on Materials

When Ardrox® 1873A is used in the prescribed manner no significant corrosion will occur on ferritic stainless steels and nickel and cobalt heat resisting alloys. It also has no effect on pack aluminizing and less effect on chromium carbide plasma coatings. Ardrox® 1873A is not suitable for use on carbon or low alloy steels.

Titanium stabilized 318 stainless steel is suitable for the construction of tanks and heating element sheaths.


Physical Form
Clear, Pale Yellow Liquid*
Physico-Chemical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Density (Undiluted, at 20°C/68°F)approx. 1.12--
pH (undiluted, at 20°C/68°F)4.3--

* The appearance can change from pale yellow to brownish over time but does not influence the performance of the product.

Packaging & Availability

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