Selontra® Soft Bait

1 of 2 products in this brand

Functions: Rodenticide

Safety Data Sheet
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Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Product Advantages
  • Quick control of rodent infestations — up to 3x faster than anticoagulant rodenticides
  • Controls species highly resistant to anticoagulant rodenticides
  • Provides effective rodent control with as few as two applications
  • Reduced environmental impact. Active ingredient, cholecalciferol, is a naturally occurring substance
  • Unique stop-feed effect prevents rodents from over-consuming and wasting bait
  • Unique mode of action makes development of resistance highly unlikely
Product Highlights

Highly palatable even when other attractive food sources are available

Despite the presence of competing food sources, rodents prefer Selontra® rodent bait. In trials, it was 13.2 times more palatable than maize silage, 4.3 times more palatable than piglet feed, and 4 times more palatable than leading rodenticide brands.

Stop-feed technology for increased efficiency

Selontra® rodent bait causes rodents to lose their appetite and stop feeding once they consume a sufficient dose. This allows sub-dominant rodents to feed sooner, leading to faster infestation control with as few as two applications in only 7 days. Conventional anticoagulant baits may require up to six bait applications over 3 or more weeks to deliver similar results. Selontra® controls rodent populations within 7 days Thanks to its mode of action, Selontra allows complete control of large rodent populations within only 7 days, providing greater flexibility to fit effective rodent control for your or your customers satisfaction. This highly effective, time- and resource-saving baiting procedure called Speed Baiting

Lower impact on the environment

With an environmentally favourable profile, Selontra® rodent bait is a sustainable alternative to other rodent baiting systems minimizing the risk of non-target poisoning Rodents rapidly metabolise Selontra resulting in a lower risk of primary and secondary non-target poisoning (including domestic animals).

Selontra® eliminates resistance development

With an environmentally favourable profile, Selontra® rodent bait is a sustainable alternative to other rodent baiting systems minimizing the risk of non-target poisoning Rodents rapidly metabolise Selontra® resulting in a lower risk of primary and secondary non-target poisoning (including domestic animals). Durable and stable in extreme environments Selontra® rodent bait holds up under the extreme temperatures often found in farming and industrial environments. It doesn’t melt or seep with high heat or humidity, nor crumble or degrade in severe cold. Its stability, palatability and effectiveness remain intact through all kinds of weather.

Applications & Uses


The Speed Baiting procedure:

  • Thoroughly inspect the site to identify the nature and size of the rodent infestation.
  • Use sufficient baiting points to address the size of the infestation.
  • Use the maximum amount of bait per label instructions at each baiting point.
  • Inspect each baiting point the very next day. Replenish any eaten bait, topping up to the label maximum quantity.
  • Full control of the infestation can be possible within 7 days
Product Applications
  • To reduce the risk of primary poisoning, Selontra must be used within lockable bait stations which include bait securing rods.
  • The recommended placement of bait points is no greater than 9 metres apart for rats and no greater than 3 metres apart for mice, on initial application.
  • Place bait points around structures with particular focus on areas where evidence of rat/mouse activity is seen. It is also recommended to place a baiting point on each side of every doorway where rodents are likely to enter.
  • Within buildings baits should be placed either around individual pens or in elevated areas where rodents are known to travel. Once rodents establish within piggery buildings a more intensive baiting strategy (stations placed at 5-6m spacings) may be required as rodents do not need to move as far to fine resources.
  • Bait points may also be placed throughout the piggery facility in areas frequented by rodents (between buildings, around grain storage silos, along wind breaks and in vegetated areas) and along perimeter fencelines to minimise rodents colonising your facility from external sources
  • The recommended number of Selontra bait blocks to be used per bait point is between 3-9 for rats and 1-2 for mice. For severe infestations, use the highestrecommended number of bait blocks. Refer to package labelling for specific baiting instructions that may apply to your location.
  • Selontra® may control rodent populations in as little as 7 days, provided that sufficient bait for the size of the infestation is placed on the first day of treatment. For large infestations, inspect all bait points 1-2 days after the first bait placement.
  • If bait is completely consumed at a bait point, re-apply bait. In such situations, using the highest label rate of 9 bait blocks per bait location for rats or 2 blocks per bait location for mice is recommended to ensure bait is maintained at that location.
  • If no bait has been consumed at a bait point for an extended period of time, consider moving that bait point to another location. These strategies will ensure optimum control in the shortest time
  • Continue to inspect bait points regularly, maintaining bait in stations. Note that if an insufficient amount of bait is used at any time of the treatment, suboptimal results may occur. Continue placing bait as needed.
  • Long-term rodent management is achieved only with a continued, well-managed program. It is therefore imperative that a complete rodent control program with adequate site inspection, site hygiene, harbourage reduction, rodent-proofing, and baiting measures is maintained year-round.
  • Containers that have held bait should not be used for any other purpose. Break, crush or puncture empty containers and deliver to an approved waste management facility.
  • If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury empty containers at least 1/2 meter below soil surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose. The area should be clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and ,tree roots, and in compliance with state, territory and ,local guidelines, regulations, ordinances and ,laws. Do not burn empty containers or product.
  • Collect and dispose of all dead rodents and unconsumed bait in accordance with state, territory and local guidelines, regulations, ordinances and laws.

Packaging & Availability

Country Availability
Packaging Type

Storage & Handling

Storage Information
  • Store in closed original container in a cool, wellventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. Store in a locked room and away from children, animals, food and feedstuffs, seed and fertilisers.
  • Disposal: Dispose of old or unused bait safely as per label directions and in accordance with appropriate state, territory and local guidelines, regulations, and laws.