Functions: Fungicide

Fungicide Target Species: Alternaria, Colletotrichum

Application Technique: Sprayers

Formulation Type: Suspension Concentrates

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Agrochemicals Features
    Product Benefits
    • Controlling leaf spot disease(Helmintosporium sp)
    • Controlling frond blight(Rhizoctonia sp)
    • Controls leaf rust(Puccinia sp)
    • The stem is larger and resistant to collapse
    • The cobs are larger, longer and wider.
    • Plants grow normally and leaves are greener.

    Applications & Uses

    Applicable Crop
    Application Technique
    Fungicide Target Species
    Use Level
    0.5 ml/L (Leaf Rust Disease (Hemileia vastatrix)), 0.5 ml/L (Powdery Mildew Disease (Oidium tingitanium)), 0.5 ml/L (Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)), 0.75 ml / L (Purple Spot Disease (Alternaria porri)), 0.75 ml / L (Anthracnose (Colletotrichum capsici)), 1 ml/L (Leaf Spot Disease (Helminthosporium sp.))
    Usage Information
    Target Dosage/Formulation Concentration How and When to Use
    Leaf Rust Disease (Hemileia vastatrix) 0.5 ml/L High volume spraying. Time application when initial symptoms appear. Water volume: 750 L/ha.
    Maximum 3 spraying times.
    Application interval: 7-14 days.
    Last time of application: 14 days before harvest.
    If it is unclear, please contact the authorized agricultural officer.
    Powdery Mildew Disease (Oidium tingitanium) 0.5 ml/L High volume spraying. Time application when initial symptoms appear. Water volume: 750 L/ha.
    Maximum 3 spraying times.
    Application interval: 7-14 days.
    Last time of application: 14 days before harvest.
    If it is unclear, please contact the authorized agricultural officer.
    Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) 0.5 ml/L High volume spraying.
    Time application when initial symptoms appear.
    Water volume: 750 L/ha.
    Maximum 3 spraying times.
    Application interval: 7 days.
    Last time of application: 14 days before harvest.
    Purple Spot Disease (Alternaria porri) 0.75 ml / L High volume spraying.
    Time application when initial symptoms appear.
    Water volume: 500 L/ha.

    Maximum 3 spraying times.
    Application interval: 7 days.
    Last time of application: 14 days before harvest.
    Anthracnose (Colletotrichum capsici) 0.75 ml / L High volume spraying.
    Time application when initial symptoms appear.
    Water volume: 500 L/ha.

    Maximum 3 spraying times.
    Application interval: 7 days.
    Last time of application: 14 days before harvest.
    Leaf Spot Disease (Helminthosporium sp.) 1ml/L High volume spraying.
    Time application when initial symptoms appear.
    Water volume: 400 L/ha.

    Maximum 2 spraying times.
    Application interval: 7-14 days.
    Last time of application: 14 days before harvest.


    Formulation Type
    Active Ingredient
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Mefentrifluconazole Content200g/L-
    Pyraclostrobin Content200g/L-

    Technical Details & Test Data


    It works in 3 ways:

    • Preventive and Curative : Faster penetration into tissue and strong control effect
    • Longer Coverage
      a. protect the inner leaves
      b. release from leaves slowly
      c. longer residual
    • Flexible and Magnetic
      a. Working like a magnet, disease in plant tissue is attracted and bound

    Packaging & Availability

    Country Availability
    Packaging Type
    Packaging Information

    Available in packaging: 250ml bottle.