Functions: Insecticide

Insecticide Target Species: Ants, Armyworms, Beetles, Borers, Caterpillars, Cockroaches, Flies, Lepidopteran Larvae, Termite, Thrips

Application Technique: Sprayers

Formulation Type: Suspension Concentrates

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Agrochemicals Features
    Product Benefits
    • Works FAST, within 3.5 hours the caterpillar stops eating.
    • Works STRONGLY, controls caterpillars completely and lasts a long time.
    • Comprehensive control.
    • Effective on a variety of plants and insects.
    • Unique way of working, risk of resistance is very small.

    Applications & Uses

    Applicable Crop
    Application Technique
    Insecticide Target Species
    Use Level
    0.5 ml/L (Cabbage, Leaf Damaging Pests (Plutella xylostella)), 0.5 ml/L (Red Onion, Thrips pest (Thrips tabac)), 0.375 ml/L (Corn, Corn Armyworm Pest (Spodoptera frugiperda)), 0.4 ml/L (Tomato, Armyworm Pest (Spodoptera litura)), 0.5 ml/L (Mug Beans, Pod Borer Pest (Etiella zinckinella)), 0.5 ml/L (Soybeans, Pod Borer Pest (Etiella zinckinella))
    Usage Information
    Target Dosage/Formulation Concentration How and When to Use
    Leaf Damaging Pests (Plutella xylostella), Cabbage 0.5 ml/L High volume spraying. Water volume: 400L /ha.
    Application time: when insects lay eggs.
    Maximum 2 spraying times. Application interval: 7 days.
    Last application: 21 days before harvest.
    Usage Information
    Target Dosage/Formulation Concentration How and When to Use
    Thrips pest (Thrips tabac), Red Onion 0.5ml/L High volume spraying. Water volume: 400L/ha.
    Application time: when insects lay eggs.
    Maximum 2 spraying times. Application interval: 7 days.
    Last application: 14 days before harvest.
    Usage Information
    Target Dosage/Formulation Concentration How and When to Use
    Corn Armyworm Pest (Spodoptera frugiperda), Corn 0.375 ml/L High volume spraying. Water volume: 400L/ha.
    Application time is when eggs are laid or if the population and intensity of pest attacks have reached the control threshold according to local recommendations.
    Maximum 2 spraying times. Application interval: 7-14 days.
    Last application: 30 days before harvest.
    Usage Information
    Target Dosage/Formulation Concentration How and When to Use
    Armyworm Pest (Spodoptera litura), Tomato 0.4ml/L High volume spraying. Water volume: 500L/ha.
    Application time is when eggs are laid or if the population and intensity of pest attacks have reached the control threshold according to local recommendations.
    Maximum 2 spraying times. Application interval: 7-14 days.
    Last application: 5 days before harvest.
    Especially for greenhouse applications for tomatoes: Do not apply when using bees in the greenhouse or arthropods which are useful for Integrated Pest Management.
    Usage Information
    Target Dosage/Formulation Concentration How and When to Use
    Pod Borer Pest (Etiella zinckinella), Mug Beans 0.5ml/L High volume spraying. Water volume: 500L/ha.
    Application time: during the early stages of fertilization.
    Maximum 2 spraying times. Application interval: 7-14 days.
    Last application: 14 days before harvest
    Usage Information
    Target Dosage/Formulation Concentration How and When to Use
    Pod Borer Pest (Etiella zinckinella), Soybeans 0.5ml/L High volume spraying. Water volume: 500L/ha.
    Application time: during the early stages of fertilization.
    Maximum 2 spraying times. Application interval: 7-14 days.
    Last application: 14 days before harvest


    Formulation Type
    Active Ingredient
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Broflanilide Content100g/L-

    Technical Details & Test Data

    • Cimegra has a way of working from the NEWEST group, namely Group 30. This IRAC (Insecticide Resistance Management) way of working (MoA) from group 30 is a new way of working established for the insecticide Broflanilide.
    • In the insect nervous system there are two types of signals transferred between cells, namely excitatory signals and inhibitory signals. The balance between these 2 signals is critical for normal insect behavior.
    • Neurotransmitters such as GABA, link signals between cells. In a normally functioning nervous system, GABA released by one cell activates the GABA receptors of other cells, resulting in inhibition.
    • The insecticide active ingredient broflanilide (Cimegra) prevents GABA from transmitting inhibitory signals, thereby causing excessive stress on the insect's nervous system and causing the insect's inability to cope. This is done by binding the new insecticide's active ingredient to the GABA receptor locking it shut.
    • Ultimately, the insecticide Broflanilide reduces pest populations and prevents insects from causing damage.

    Packaging & Availability

    Country Availability
    Packaging Type
    Packaging Information

    Available in packaging: 50ml and 100ml bottles.

    Storage & Handling

    Product Handling Information
    • Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment when handling the product.
    • Always clean yourself after work.
    • Buy plant protection products that come from trusted sources to avoid counterfeits.