Functions: Fungicide

Formulation Type: Emulsifiable Concentrates

Safety Data Sheet
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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Product Benefits
  • Local systemic and broad spectrum (wide control).
  • Quickly absorbed in the leaves and provides a longer period of protection.
  • It is lipophilic so it can penetrate the leaf pore layers.
  • Inhibits spore germination and fungal cell elongation because it works on cell respiration.
  • Does not cause cross resistance to other fungicides.

Applications & Uses

Applicable Crop
Use Level
0.375 ml/L (Red Onion, Purple spot disease (Altemaria porri)), 0.375 ml/L (Potato, Leaf spot disease (Altemaria solani), Leaf blight (Phytophthora infestans)), 0.375 ml/L (Tomato, Leaf spot disease (Altemaria solani), Leaf blight (Phytophthora infestans))
Usage Information

Red Onion

Target Dosage/
Formulation Concentration
How and When
to Use
Purple spot disease (Altemaria porri) 0.375 ml/L High volume spraying Spraying is carried out if symptoms of disease attack are found on the plants
Usage Information


Target Dosage/
Formulation Concentration
How and When
to Use
Leaf spot disease (Altemaria solani) 0.375 ml/L High volume spraying
Spraying is carried out if symptoms of disease attack are found on the plants
Leaf blight (Phytophthora infestans)


Usage Information


Target Dosage/
Formulation Concentration
How and When
to Use
Leaf spot disease (Altemaria solani) 0.375 ml/L High volume spraying
Spraying is carried out if symptoms of disease attack are found on the plants
Leaf blight (Phytophthora infestans)


Formulation Type
Active Ingredient
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Pyraclostrobin Content250g/L-

Packaging & Availability

Country Availability
Packaging Type
Packaging Information

Package of 100 ml, 250 ml bottles.

Storage & Handling

Product Handling Information
  • Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment when handling the product.
  • Always clean yourself after work.
  • Buy plant protection products that come from trusted sources to avoid counterfeits.