Functions: Herbicide

Herbicide Target Species: Broadleafs

Formulation Type: Soluble Liquids (SL)

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Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Agrochemicals Features
Product Benefits
  • Has a broad spectrum and effectively controls weeds that are resistant to Glyphosate and Paraquat.
  • It has low toxicity effects, so it can be used in low to very low volume technologies.
  • It is contact in nature so it is safe for young/immature plants.
  • Does not cause parthenocarpy.

Applications & Uses

Applicable Crop
Herbicide Target Species
Usage Information

Dosage/ Formulation Concentration

Narrow leaf weed 5-7 ml/L
Broad-leaved weeds:Ageratum conyzoides, Borreria sp., Eupatorium odoratum, Naphrolepsis sp 5-10 L/ha
Narrow-leaved weeds:Axonopus compressus, Brachriaria mutica, Ischaemum timorense, Ottochloa nodosa, Paspalu conjugatum, Cynodon dactylon 5-10 L/ha
Reed weed: Imperata cylindrica 15-30 L/ha
Broadleaf weeds: Boreria alata, Chormolaena odoratum, Melastoma malabatrichum 2-4 L/ha
Broadleaf weeds: Ageratum conyzoides, Borreria latifolia, Commelina diffusa, Emilia sonchifolia 2-3 L/ha
Broad-leaved weeds: Ageratum conyzoides, Borreria sp., Eupatorium odoratum, Naphrolepsis sp 5-10 L/ha
Narrow-leaved weeds: Cynodon dactylon, Axonopus compressus, Brachiaria mutica, Ischaemum timornerse 5-10 L/ha
Reed weed: Imperata cylindrica 15-30 L/ha
Broadleaf weeds: Ageratum conyzoides, Synedrella nodiflora, Melastoma affine 2-4 L/ha
Narrow leaf weed: Digitaria cilliaris 1-1.5 L/ha
Broad-leaved weeds: Ageratum conyzoides, Borreria sp., Eupatorium odoratum, Naphrolepsis sp 5-10 L/ha
Reed weed: Imperata cylindrica 15-30 L/ha
Narrow leaf weeds: Paspalum conjugnatum, Ottochloa nodosa 4-6 L/ha
2-4 L/ha
Broadleaf weed: Ludwigia octovalvis

3-6 L/ha

Narrow-leaved weed: Paspalum conjugnatum
Puzzle weed: Fimbriistylis spp
Broadleaf weeds: Ageratum conyzoides, Amaranthus spinosus, Galinsoga parviflora 2-3 L/ha
Broadleaf weeds: Ageratum conyzoides, Synedrella nodiflora, Melastoma affine 4.5-6 ml/L
Broadleaf weeds: Richardia brasiliensis, Cleome rutidosperma, Borreria alata

2-3 L/ha

Narrow-leaved weed: Digitaria cilliaris
Broadleaf weeds: Ageratum conyzoides, Borreria alata 1.5 – 2.5 L/ha


Formulation Type
Active Ingredient
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Ammonium Glosofinate Content150g/L-

Technical Details & Test Data


The active ingredient in Basta ® is glufosinate-ammonium, a Group N herbicide which works by inhibiting the enzyme glutamine synthetase. Glutamine synthetase deficiency causes plant death through various disturbances in plant metabolism, including breakdown of photosynthesis. After-emergence systemic herbicide comes in the form of an aqueous solution, greenish blue in color. Ammonium glosofinate is absorbed through the green leaves and stems of the plant. Mechanism by inhibiting the process Although there were no visual symptoms, the treated plants stopped growing within the first day after Basta application. Complete weed death usually occurs between two and two weeks after treatment.

Packaging & Availability

Country Availability
Packaging Type

Storage & Handling

Product Handling Information
  • Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment when handling the product.
  • Always clean yourself after work.
  • Buy plant protection products that come from trusted sources to avoid counterfeits.