Functions: Fungicide

Application Technique: Sprayers

Formulation Type: Suspension Concentrates

Safety Data Sheet
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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Agrochemicals Features
Product Benefits
  • Cost-effective solution
  • Rapid plant absorbtion
  • Long residual activity

Applications & Uses


Formulation Type
Active Ingredient
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Dimethomorph Content500g/L-

Technical Details & Test Data

  • Acrobat® is a Group 40 fungicide with locally systemic, translaminar properties that protects both the upper and lower leaf surfaces. Most of the product remains on the exposed leaf surface, firmly attached to the waxy cuticle where it provides very effective protection. A small proportion of the active moves through to the other side of the leaf to provide protection against early stages of infection.
  • Acrobat should always be used as part of a protective spray program and applied in a tank-mix with Polyram® DF before disease symptoms appear.
  • Acrobat is rapidly absorbed by the plant and becomes rainfast in one hour. This makes Acrobat active in the plant from the first application and provides longer residual activity.

Packaging & Availability

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