Acrobat® MZ 90/600WG

1 of 4 products in this brand

Functions: Fungicide

Fungicide Target Species: Phytophthora

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Product Advantages
    • Broad spectrum, specifically treats most important diseases such as anthracnose, downy mildew, ring spot...
    • Special treatment of diseases caused by fungus Phytopthora sp. causes pus-filled stem cracking disease and rapid death
    • Absorbed through roots, stems, and leaves, thus comprehensively protecting plants

    Applications & Uses

    Applicable Crop
    Fungicide Target Species
    Use Level
    1.5 - 2.5 kg/ha (Downy, Watermelon), 1.5 - 2.5 kg/ha (Downy, Tomato), 20 - 25 g/8 liters of water (Quickly die, Pepper), 20 - 30gr/ 1 liter of water (Stem rot and pus, Durian), 20 - 30gr/ 1 liter of water (Bleeding gum, Citrus trees (oranges, tangerines, etc.)), 10 - 20 gr/ 1 liter of water (Loaest striped shaved mouth, Rubber)
    Usage Information
    Object Amount How to spray
    Downy, Watermelon 1.5 - 2.5 kg/ha

    The amount of water sprayed is 400 - 1000 liters/ha Quarantine period: 7 days

    Downy, Tomato 1.5 - 2.5 kg/ha

    The amount of water sprayed is 600 liters/ha.
    Spray when the disease rate is about 5-6%
    Quarantine period: 7 days

    Quickly die, Pepper 20 -25 g/8 liters of water

    The amount of water sprayed is 800 liters/ha.
    Spray when the disease rate is about 10-15%.
    Quarantine period: 7 days

    Stem rot and pus, Durian 20-30gr/ 1 liter of water

    Scrape clean and apply solution onto the wound
    Quarantine period: 7 days

    Bleeding gum, Citrus trees (oranges, tangerines, etc.)

    20-30gr/ 1 liter of water

    Scrape clean and apply solution onto the wound
    Quarantine period: 7 days

    Loaest striped shaved mouth, Rubber

    10-20 gr/ 1 liter of water

    Scrape clean and apply solution onto the wound
    Quarantine period: 7 days


    Active Ingredient
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Dimethomorph Content90g/kg-
    Mancozeb Content600g/Kg-

    Technical Details & Test Data

    Mechanism of Action
    • Dimethomorph  penetrates deeply and prevents the formation of fungal spores and cell walls. Specialized in preventing and treating downy mildew (powder spot), stem abscess, and root rot.
    • Mancozeb has a contact effect, providing Zinc for plants. Prevents respiration and growth of fungal diseases.
    • Acrobat ® MZ 90/600WGZ: Stops the growth of fungal pathogens (treatment) and protects plants from fungal invasion (prevention).

    Packaging & Availability

    Country Availability
    Packaging Type
    Packaging Information

    Packages of 100g and 500g