Functions: Herbicide

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Labeling Claims
    Agrochemicals Features
    Product Benefits
    • Low toxicity when used according to label instructions.
    • Use little but have high efficiency.
    • Can control larvae for a long time (more than 3 months)
    • Can be used to control larvae with a fogger.

    Applications & Uses


    Active Ingredient
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Flocoumafen Content0.005%-

    Technical Details & Test Data


    Temifos acts by inhibiting an enzyme important for the balance of the nervous system. Add Abate ® to still water. The larvae will be killed before they become adults, where they will continue to reproduce. This method helps prevent the breeding of disease-carrying mosquitoes. and reduce the spread of disease. Abate ® acts quickly and can remain effective for a long time. This prevents the return of mosquitoes for several weeks.

    Packaging & Availability

    Country Availability
    Packaging Type